Jam 2

Jam 2:1 Brethrened of-me, lest in unto-a-looking-toward-takings-unto ye-should-hold to-the-one to-a-trust of-the-one of-Authority-belonged of-us of-an-Iêsous of-Anointed of-the-oneof-a-reckonedness;

Jam 2:2 if-ever too-thus it-might-have-had-came-into into to-a-leading-together of-ye, a-man gold-digit-belonged, in unto-a-clotheness unto-en-lamped, it-might-have-had-came-intothen-also, and beggared, in unto-en-dirtied unto-a-clotheness,

Jam 2:3 ye-might-have-viewed-upon then-also upon to-the-one to-beareeing-unto to-the-one to-a-clotheness to-the-one to-en-lamped and ye-might-have-had-said, Thou thou-should-sit-down unto-which-then-also unto-seemly, and unto-the-one unto-beggared ye-might-have-had-said, Thou thou-should-have-had-stood or thou-should-sit-down thither under to-the-one to-an-under-footlet of-me,

Jam 2:4 not ye-were-separated-through in unto-selves and ye-had-became separaters of-fortheeings-through-to-of of-en-necessitated?

Jam 2:5 Ye-should-have-heard, Brethrened of-me Excessed-off-unto. Not the-one a-Deity it-forthed-out to-the-ones to-beggared unto-the-one unto-an-orderation to-wealth-belonged inunto-a-trust and to-lot-parceleed of-the-one of-a-ruling-of of-which it-leadeeered-upon unto-the-ones unto-excessing-off-unto to-it?

Jam 2:6 Ye then-also ye-un-valuated-to to-the-one to-beggared. Not the-ones wealth-belonged they-able-down-of of-ye and them they-haul to-ye into to-separaterlets?

Jam 2:7 Not them they-ill-declare-unto to-the-one to-seemly to-a-naming-to to-the-one to-having-been-called-upon-unto upon to-ye?

Jam 2:8 If indeed-unto-the-one to-a-parcelee ye-finish-unto to-ruler-belonged-of down to-the-one to-a-scribing, Thou-shall-excess-off-unto to-the-one to-nigh-belonged of-theeas to-thyself, unto-seemly ye-do-unto;

Jam 2:9 if then-also ye-looking-toward-take-unto, to-an-un-adjusting-along-unto ye-work-to, being-trialed under of-the-one of-a-parcelee as steppers-beside.

Jam 2:10 Which-a-one too-thus to-whole to-the-one to-a-parcelee it-might-have-kept-unto, it-might-have-fall-belonged then-also in unto-one, it-hath-had-come-to-become of-all held-in.

Jam 2:11 The-one too-thus having-had-said, Lest thou-might-have-adultered-of, it-had-said and, Lest thou-might-have-slayed-of; if then-also not thou-adulter-of thou-slay-ofthen-also, thou-hath-had-come-to-become a-stepper-beside of-a-parcelee.

Jam 2:12 Unto-the-one-this ye-should-speak-unto and unto-the-one-this ye-should-do-unto as through of-a-parcelee of-an-en-freeing-unto pending to-be-separated.

Jam 2:13 The-one too-thus a-separating un-conciliated unto-the-one lest unto-having-done-unto to-a-besectionateedness; it-down-boasteth-unto, a-besectionateedness, of-a-separating.

Note: to-a-besectionateedness : a sectionating off from peril, affliction, misery, distress, predicament, etc.

Jam 2:14 What-one an-aidance, Brethrened of-me, if-ever to-a-trust it-might-forth, a-one, to-hold, to-works then-also lest it-might-hold? Lest it-ableth the-one a-trust to-have-saved-toto-it?

Jam 2:15 If-ever brethrened or brethrened stripped they-might-first-under and being-remaindered of-the-one of-dayed-upon of-a-nourishing,

Jam 2:16 it-might-have-had-said then-also, a-one, unto-them out of-ye, Ye-should-lead-under in unto-a-joinifying, ye-should-be-heated and ye-should-be-victualaged-to, lest ye-might-have-had-given then-also unto-them to-the-ones to-avail-belonged-upon of-the-one of-an-en-capsuling-to, what-one an-aidance?

Jam 2:17 Unto-the-one-this and the-one a-trust, if-ever lest it-might-hold to-works, en-deaded it-be down to-self.

Jam 2:18 Other it-shall-utter, a-one, Thou to-a-trust thou-hold and-I to-works I-hold. Thou-should-have-en-showed unto-me to-the-one to-a-trust of-thee of-spaced of-the-ones of-works and-I unto-thee I-shall-en-show out of-the-ones of-works of-me to-the-one to-a-trust.

Jam 2:19 Thou thou-trust-of to-which-a-one one a-Deity it-be? Unto-seemly thou-do-unto; and the-ones daimonlets they-trust-of and they-bristle.

Jam 2:20 Thou-determine then-also to-have-had-acquainted, Oh Mankind Empty, to-which-a-one the-one a-trust of-spaced of-the-ones of-works un-worked it-be?

Jam 2:21 An-Abraam the-one a-father of-us not out of-works it-was-en-course-belonged having-beared-up to-an-Isaak to-the-one to-a-son of-it upon to-the-one to-a-surgerlet?

Jam 2:22 Thou-view to-which-a-one the-one a-trust it-was-working-together-unto unto-the-ones unto-works of-it and out of-the-ones of-works the-one a-trust it-was-en-finish-belonged,

Jam 2:23 and it-was-en-filled the-one a-scribing the-one forthing, It-trusted-of then-also, an-Abraam, unto-the-one unto-a-Deity, and it-was-fortheed-to unto-it into to-a-course-belongingedness, and cared of-a-Deity it-was-called-unto.

Jam 2:24 Ye-should-seeee-unto to-which-a-one out of-works it-be-en-course-belonged a-mankind and not out of-a-trust to-stayeed.

Jam 2:25 Unto-along-belonged then-also, and a-Raab the-one a-harlot, not out of-works it-was-en-course-belonged? Having-received-under to-the-ones to-leadeeers and unto-differentunto-a-way having-had-casted-out?

Jam 2:26 As-very the-one an-en-capsuling-to of-spaced of-a-currenting-to en-deaded it-be, unto-the-one-this and the-one a-trust of-spaced of-works en-deaded it-be.

Jam 1 Jam 3