Luk 8

Luk 8:1 And it-had-became in unto-the-one of-held-down and it it-was-waying-through-of down to-a-city and to-a-village heraldering and goodly-leadeeering-to to-the-one to-a-ruling-of of-the-one of-a-Deity, and the-ones two-ten together unto-it,

Note: of-held-down : used to refer to a subsequence.

Luk 8:2 and women ones which they-were having-had-come-to-be-ministered-of off of-currentings-to of-en-necessitated and of-un-vigorings-of; a-Maria the-one being-called-unto a-Magdalênê off of-which daimonlets seven it-had-come-to-have-had-came-out,

Luk 8:3 and an-Iôana a-woman of-a-Chouzas of-turned-upon of-a-Hêrôdês, and a-Sousanna, and different much, which-ones they-were-raising-through-unto unto-them out of-the-onesof-firsting-under unto-them.

Note: of-turned-upon : used to refer to a trustee.

Luk 8:4 Of-going-together then-also of-a-crowd of-much and of-the-ones down to-a-city of-traversing-upon-of toward to-it it-had-said through of-a-casting-beside,

Luk 8:5 It-had-came-out, the-one whorling, of-the-one to-have-whorled to-the-one to-a-whorlee of-it. And in unto-the-one to-whorl to-it which indeed it-had-fallen beside to-the-one to-a-way, and it-was-treaded-down-unto and the-ones flying-belonged-to of-the-one of-a-sky it-had-devoured-down to-it.

Luk 8:6 And different it-had-fallen-down upon to-the-one to-a-rockedness, and having-had-been-spawned it-was-dried through to-the-one lest to-hold to-a-moistingness.

Luk 8:7 And different it-had-fallen in unto-middle of-the-ones of-apexednesses, and having-had-been-spawned-together the-ones apexednesses they-choked-off to-it.

Luk 8:8 And different it-had-fallen into to-the-one to-a-soil to-the-one to-excess-placed, and having-had-been-spawned it-did-unto to-a-fruit to-hundred-fold-belonged. To-the-ones-these forthing it-was-sounding-unto, The-one holding to-ears to-hear it-should-hear.

Luk 8:9 They-were-upon-entreating-unto then-also to-it, the-ones learners of-it, What-one the-one-this it-may-be the-one a-casting-beside?

Luk 8:10 The-one then-also it-had-said, Unto-ye it-had-come-to-be-given to-have-had-acquainted to-the-ones to-flexerlets of-the-one of-a-ruling-of of-the-one of-a-Deity, unto-the-ones then-also unto-remaindered in unto-castings-beside, so viewing lest they-might-view and hearing lest they-might-together-belong.

Note: to-flexerlets : used to refer to things requiring thought flex to understand.

Note: they-might-together-belong : from SUNIW.

Luk 8:11 It-be then-also the-one-this the-one a-casting-beside. The-one a-whorlee it-be the-one a-forthee of-the-one of-a-Deity.

Luk 8:12 The-ones then-also beside to-the-one to-a-way they-be the-ones having-heard, if-to-the-ones it-cometh, the-one casted-through, and it-lifteth to-the-one to-a-forthee off of-the-one of-a-heart of-them, so lest having-trusted-of they-might-have-been-saved-to.

Luk 8:13 The-ones then-also upon of-the-one of-a-rockedness which which-also-ever they-might-have-heard, with of-a-joyedness they-receive to-the-one to-a-forthee, and the-ones-theseto-a-rootedness not they-hold, which toward to-a-time they-trust-of and in unto-a-time of-an-across-belonging-to-of they-stand-off.

Luk 8:14 The-one then-also into to-the-ones to-apexednesses having-had-fallen, the-ones-these they-be the-ones having-heard, and under of-portion-memoriednesses and of-a-wealthand of-pleasurings of-the-one of-a-dureeation traversing-of they-be-choked-together and not they-finish-bearee-unto.

Luk 8:15 The-one then-also in unto-the-one unto-seemly unto-a-soil, the-ones-these they-be which-ones in unto-a-heart unto-seemly and unto-excess-placed having-heard to-the-one to-a-forthee they-hold-down and they-fruit-bearee-unto in unto-a-staying-under.

Luk 8:16 Not-then-also-one then-also to-a-luminating-of having-fastened it-shroudeth to-it unto-an-equipment or under-down-unto-which of-a-clining it-placeth, other upon of-a-luminating-of-unto it-placeth, so the-ones traversing-into-of they-might-view to-the-one to-a-light.

Luk 8:17 Not too-thus it-be hidened which not en-manifested it-shall-become, not-then-also hidened-off which not lest it-might-have-been-acquainted and into to-en-manifested it-might-have-had-came.

Luk 8:18 Ye-should-view accordingly unto-whither ye-hear; which ever too-thus it-might-hold, it-shall-be-given unto-it, and which ever lest it-might-hold, and to-which it-thinketh-untoto-hold it-shall-be-lifted off of-it.

Luk 8:19 It-had-became-beside then-also toward to-it, the-one a-mother and the-ones brethrened of-it, and not they-were-abling to-have-had-actuated-together unto-it through to-the-one to-a-crowd.

Luk 8:20 It-had-been-leadeeered-off then-also unto-it, The-one a-mother of-thee and the-ones brethrened of-thee they-had-come-to-stand out-unto-which to-have-had-seen determiningto-thee.

Luk 8:21 The-one then-also having-been-separated-off it-had-said toward to-them, A-mother of-me and brethrened of-me the-ones-these they-be the-ones to-the-one to-a-forthee of-the-one of-a-Deity hearing and doing-unto.

Luk 8:22 It-had-became then-also in unto-one of-the-ones of-dayednesses and it it-had-stepped-in into to-a-floatlet and the-ones learners of-it, and it-had-said toward to-them, We-might-have-had-came-through into to-the-one to-across of-the-one of-a-lake, and they-were-led-up.

Luk 8:23 Of-floating-unto then-also of-them it-en-sleeped-off. And it-had-stepped-down, a-tempest of-a-wind, into to-the-one to-a-lake, and they-were-being-en-filled-together and they-were-periling-of.

Luk 8:24 Having-had-came-toward then-also they-roused-through to-it forthing, Stander-upon, Stander-upon, we-destruct-off. The-one then-also having-been-roused-through it-upon-valuated-unto unto-the-one unto-a-wind and unto-the-one unto-a-billowing of-the-one of-a-water, and they-ceased, and it-had-became a-calming.

Luk 8:25 It-had-said then-also unto-them, Of-whither the-one a-trust of-ye? Having-been-feareed-unto then-also they-marveled-to forthing toward to-other-to-other, What-one thus the-one-this it-be to-which-a-one and unto-the-ones unto-winds it-arrangeth-upon and unto-the-one unto-a-water, and they-hear-under unto-it?

Luk 8:26 And they-floated-down-of into to-the-one to-a-spacedness of-the-ones of-Gerasênians, which-a-one it-be to-ever-a-one-across of-the-one of-a-Galilaia.

Luk 8:27 Unto-having-had-came-out then-also unto-it upon to-the-one to-a-soil, it-under-ever-a-oned-unto, a-man a-one out of-the-one of-a-city holding to-daimonlets; and unto-a-while unto-ampled not it-sunk-in to-an-apparelet, and in unto-a-housing-unto not it-was-staying, other in unto-the-ones unto-memoryings-to.

Luk 8:28 Having-had-seen then-also to-the-one to-an-Iêsous, having-up-clamored-to, it-had-fallen-toward unto-it and unto-a-sound unto-great it-had-said, What-one unto-ME and unto-THEE, Iêsous Son [of-the-one of-a-Deity] of-the-one of-most-lofteed? I-be-binded of-thee, lest to-me thou-might-have-abraded-to;

Luk 8:29 It-was-leadeeering-beside too-thus unto-the-one unto-a-currenting-to unto-the-one unto-un-cleansabled to-have-had-came-out off of-the-one of-a-mankind. Unto-much too-thus unto-whiles it-had-come-to-have-together-snatched-to to-it and it-was-being-bindeed-of unto-un-loosings-along and unto-footings being-guardered, and bursting-through to-the-ones to-bindeeings-to it-was-being-drovened off of-the-one of-a-daimonlet into to-the-ones to-solituded.

Note: unto-un-loosings-along : used to refer to a manacle that doesn't allow being loosed.

Luk 8:30 It-upon-entreated-unto then-also to-it, the-one an-Iêsous, What-one unto-THEE a-naming-to it-be? The-one then-also it-had-said, A-Legiôn, to-which-a-one it-had-came-into, daimonlets much, into to-it.

Luk 8:31 And they-were-calling-beside-unto to-it so lest it-might-have-arranged-upon unto-them into to-the-one to-depthed-along to-have-had-came-off.

Luk 8:32 It-was then-also thither a-herd of-hogs of-ampled being-pasturaged in unto-the-one unto-a-jutteedness, and they-called-beside-unto to-it so it-might-have-turned-upon unto-them into to-the-ones-thither to-have-had-came-into, and it-turned-upon unto-them.

Luk 8:33 Having-had-came-out then-also, the-ones daimonlets, off of-the-one of-a-mankind, they-had-came-into into to-the-ones to-hogs, and it-corded-unto, the-one a-herd, down of-the-one of-a-precipice into to-the-one to-a-lake and it-had-been-choked-off.

Luk 8:34 Having-had-seen then-also, the-ones pasturaging, to-the-one to-having-hath-had-come-to-become, they-had-fled and they-leadeeered-off into to-the-one to-a-city and into to-the-ones to-fields.

Luk 8:35 They-had-came-out then-also to-have-had-seen to-the-one to-having-hath-had-come-to-become and they-came toward to-the-one to-an-Iêsous, and they-had-found to-sitting-down to-the-one to-a-mankind off of-which the-ones daimonlets it-had-came-out to-having-had-come-to-be-appareled-to and to-rationally-centering-unto beside to-the-ones to-feet [of-the-one] of-an-Iêsous, and they-were-feareed-unto.

Luk 8:36 They-leadeeered-off then-also unto-them, the-ones having-had-seen, unto-whither it-was-saved-to the-one having-been-daimoned-to.

Luk 8:37 And it-entreated-unto to-it, along-all the-one a-repleteedness of-the-one of-spaced-about of-the-ones of-Gerasênians, to-have-had-came-off off of-them, to-which-a-one unto-a-fearee unto-great they-were-being-held-together; it then-also having-had-stepped-in into to-a-floatlet it-beturned-under.

Luk 8:38 It-was-binding then-also of-it, the-one a-man, off of-which it-had-come-to-have-had-came-out, the-ones daimonlets, to-be together unto-it; it-loosed-off then-also to-it forthing,

Luk 8:39 Thou-should-beturn-under into to-the-one to-a-house of-thee, and thou-should-lead-through-unto to-which-a-which unto-thee it-did-unto, the-one a-Deity. And it-had-came-off down to-whole to-the-one to-a-city heraldering to-which-a-which it-did-unto unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous.

Luk 8:40 In then-also unto-the-one to-beturn-under to-the-one to-an-Iêsous it-received-off to-it, the-one a-crowd; they-were too-thus all toward-thinking-unto to-it.

Luk 8:41 And thou-should-have-had-seen, it-had-came, a-man unto-which a-naming-to an-Iaeiros, and the-one-this firsting of-the-one of-a-leading-together, it-was-firsting-under; andhaving-had-fallen beside to-the-ones to-feet of-an-Iêsous it-was-calling-beside-unto to-it to-have-had-came-into into to-the-one to-a-house of-it,

Luk 8:42 to-which-a-one a-daughter stayeed-becominged it-was unto-it as of-years of-two-ten and it it-was-dying-off. In then-also unto-the-one to-lead-under to-it, the-ones crowds they-were-choking-together to-it.

Luk 8:43 And a-woman being in unto-a-tracting of-a-rushering-to off of-years of-two-ten, which-a-one not it-force-held off of-not-then-also-one to-have-been-ministered-of,

Luk 8:44 having-had-came-toward aback-from it-fastened of-the-one of-fringe-footinged of-the-one of-an-apparelet of-it, and beside-to-an-affording-to it-had-stood, the-one a-tracting of-the-one of-a-rushering-to of-it.

Luk 8:45 And it-had-said, the-one an-Iêsous, What-one the-one having-fastened of-me? Of-denying-unto then-also of-all, it-had-said, the-one a-Petros, Stander-upon, the-ones crowdsthey-hold-together to-thee and they-press-off.

Luk 8:46 The-one then-also an-Iêsous it-had-said, It-fastened of-me, a-one; I too-thus I-had-acquainted to-an-ability to-having-hath-had-come-to-come-out off of-ME.

Luk 8:47 Having-had-seen then-also, the-one a-woman, to-which-a-one not it-had-secluded, trembling it-had-came. And having-had-fallen-toward unto-it through to-which to-an-appealing-unto it-fastened of-it it-leadeeered-off to-in-look-belonged of-all of-the-one of-a-people and as it-was-cured-unto beside-to-an-affording-to.

Luk 8:48 The-one then-also it-had-said unto-it, A-daughter, the-one a-trust of-thee it-had-come-to-save-to to-thee; thou-should-traverse-of into to-a-joinifying.

Luk 8:49 If-to-a-one of-it of-speaking-unto it-cometh, a-one beside of-the-one of-a-leading-together-firster, forthing to-which-a-one, It-had-come-to-die, the-one a-daughter of-thee, lest-if-to-a-one thou-should-flay to-the-one to-a-veer-veerator.

Luk 8:50 The-one then-also an-Iêsous having-heard it-was-separated-off unto-it, Lest thou-should-fearee-unto, to-stayeed thou-should-have-trusted-of and it-shall-be-saved-to.

Luk 8:51 Having-had-came then-also into to-the-one to-a-housing-unto not it-sent-off to-have-had-came-into to-a-one together unto-it if lest to-a-Petros and to-an-Iôanês and to-an-Iakôbos and to-the-one to-a-father of-the-one of-a-child and to-the-one to-a-mother.

Luk 8:52 They-were-sob-belonging then-also, all, and they-were-felling to-it. The-one then-also it-had-said, Lest ye-should-sob-belong, not too-thus it-had-died-off, other it-resteth-down.

Luk 8:53 And they-were-down-laughing-unto of-it, having-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one it-had-died-off.

Luk 8:54 It then-also having-secured-unto of-the-one of-a-hand of-it it-sounded-unto forthing, The-one a-child, thou-should-rouse.

Luk 8:55 And it-beturned-upon, the-one a-currenting-to of-it, and it-had-stood-up beside-to-an-affording-to, and it-arranged-through unto-it to-have-been-given to-have-had-devoured.

Luk 8:56 And they-had-stood-out, the-ones becomeeers-of of-it; the-one then-also it-leadeeered-beside unto-them unto-lest-then-also-one to-have-had-said to-the-one to-having-hath-had-come-to-become.

Note: becomeeers-of : the entities performing the parental function to a becomee, i.e. parents, but not necessarily biologically.

Luk 7 Luk 9