Tuesday 13th May

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It's moving day today. We're checking out and heading East for about 150 miles to Groveland, on the edge of the Yosemite National Forest.

If there's no updates from here on - then you know that the Net hasn't quite reached this location!


OK we have go for internet! Although both our phone signal shows no bars, there is at least some wifi at the place itself, although it's only connecting at 'Fair' level.

This morning we started the day with a walk around the back of the hotel to a small diner - The Hollywood Cafe - for some breakfast. I have to say, it's a shame it was our last day in SF as they did a really nice breakfast - knocked IHOP out of the park, so to speak.

Breakfast at the Hollywood Cafe

Hollywood cafe - excellent bacon

Then back to the hotel to pack the last few bits and pieces into the car. I had to stop off at the front desk because their final invoice showed an extra day of parking

(5 instead of 4) I might not have bothered - except this is San Francisco and 1 day is $40 (£25!!) so sod that!! They removed it no problem.

Off we went, heading Eastwards out of San Francisco. The route took us initially through the centre of the city (along Union St) before we finally escaped out to the Bay Bridge and drove on the lower section (the bridge is multi-levelled) and out of the city.

Driving over the Bay Bridge - on level 2

A bridge with a roof

The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful - we stopped off at what's probably the last Starbucks this side of Las Vegas for a drink and something to eat before topping up the gas tank with $20 worth of petrol and heading onwards.

We stop in Escalon. Last Starbucks before Las Vegas!!

Last one for 400 miles

Everywhere looks very yellow and dry - California has has precious little rain over the past few years and this certainly showed it.

Parched Landscape

As we got closer to Groveland (just a few miles in fact) we saw evidence of forest fires - whole areas has blackened trees with orange foliage where it had died as part of the fire. It'll likely regrow but not for a few years. I'll have to check with the desk just how close these fires came to this site as it looks less than a mile to me.

We also went up the very twisty road that leads into Groveland. You climb maybe 1500 feet and it's all switchback roads and blind bends with steep drops. I was just glad that I was concentrating on the roads and not looking at the drops... judging from the squeaks of anguish coming from Linda's side (she was nearer to the edge I grant you). It was there that the 'lane assist' feature on this car really came into its own, keeping me in the middle of the road and beeping if I got too near the edges. It's also got Bluetooth audio, so we can play music from our phones as we drive :)

We arrived just after 3pm - 4 hour trip in total. Linda unpacked some bits and we're going to go for a little walk about to see what the place it like.

Main gate

I spoke with the receptionist, she told us that last year there was one of the largest forest fires on record all around this area. Indeed, there are trees just to the back of this place which bear the scars of a burn. "We were surrounded" she said.

Fire evidence

Too close for comfort

Back in the room we decided to order out from a nearby (30 minutes away!) pizza place. Pretty nice food, just a bit awkward eating it on the bed!

Linda was sparked out, so I went outside and did a few photos outside with the clear night sky and a full moon. It was pretty nice out there.