Wednesday 14th December 2011

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[16:40 PST]

Moving day for us today so it was an early breakfast followed by the last part of the packing.

We loaded up the car then left the Palazzo. We were moving on to the Trump Hotel, just over the road from where we had been staying. However, their check-in time was 3pm, so we had a few hours to kill before we could go there. We started off by visiting the Hilton hotel, just north of us, so I could pick up the tickets for the show tonight. That done, we drove over to the Caesar's Palace and parked there.

I wanted to go back to the Sony Centre there, so I could try out a new lens for the camera. My 18-200 is starting to fall apart so I was looking for a replacement.

Hubby's been shopping

18-250 in the bag!

That done, we moved on into the Bellagio again to re-visit the chocolate shop there. Apparently, their chocolate strawberries are so nice Linda just HAD to have some more.


Here's a bit of video showing their Christmas Display that I took yesterday.

We then drove over to the Fashion Show Mall so Linda could visit Macys who were having a one day sale. Not much there though. Finally, it was time to move on to the Trump Hotel.

Check-in was straight forward, car was valet parked (complimentary it seems), cases brought up. All pretty simple. Room is up on the 48th floor - which we think is the highest floor we've yet stayed on.

Our view is overlooking the back of the mall if you look straight down - not much to see that way. But if you look up, it's a view of the Palazzo and the Venician, with the Wynn to the left. You can even see the Signature buildings in the distance.

Our new room - 48 floors up. Highest yet!

One good thing with out location, we're on the South East corner, directly opposite from the railway track. This hotel has suffered on Trip Advisor from complaints about the noise from a freight train that uses the line and always blows its hooter very close to the hotel. We've already seen the train go past (once every hour or so) and it's actually quieter that the noise we got when we were staying in the Palazzo (which was facing the track, but further away). I was awoken at 4:01 by the train horn. Let's see what happens tomorrow morning.

Now we've had a chance to get unpacked, we are off back to the Hilton to see the Elvis show - 'Thank y'very much!'

[21:52 PST]

Back from the show - actually very good! It only lasted a hour, but the songs, costumes and dancers were all very well done. Sadly there were only about 30 people in the audience, so we had to double our enthusiasm to make up for the lack of numbers.

After the show we grabbed a couple of small pizzas from the Pizza Hut in the Hilton hotel, then we headed off to a local Walgreens to grab some supplies. Our hotel room has a kitchenette in it, so we're going to take a break from the usual cooked breakfast by doing ourselves some toast and cereal.