06 Sept 2022 - Tuesday

[10:22am EDT]

As usual we were awake early, around 3:30am US time. Overnight Linda had noticed a number of thunderstorms out to sea which had travelled North along the coast. Indeed you sould still see the odd flash of lightning around 5am when I was out on the balcony.

As we were up so early, we took the chance to unload the cases (well, Linda did) whilst I busied myself with yesterdays photos and blog.

About 5:45 we went down to the nearby pier to watch the sunrise at 6:15.

Even though the sun had only been up for a short time, you could feel the heat rising.

We drove back, but before leaving the pier, Linda showed me how it's done when getting into the hire car!

We returned to the apartment and had some breakfast. After which it was back out to the shops to finish off our food shopping.

It's not often we have a look at the value of the items we buy on holiday, but after yesterdays bill for a handfull of items, it was time to be a little more careful on what we were buying.

Loaded up, we returned home to make some lunch. We ate outside, which was draining due to the heat and humidity - I don't really know how a few people were sitting out on the beach in the full sun. It's way too hot. The weather has the UV index saying 10 or 11 (very high/critical) so not the best idea to be out in it too long!

During the afternoon, I managed to get the laptop working from the UK and watched some of the football being shown in the UK, then around 5pm we went down to the pool for a dip.

The pool here is slightly heated, but to be honest, the temperature out meant that a cooler pool was ideal - once you got over the initial cool shock.

There's a thermometer on the wall (in sunlight) by the pool which was reading 110'F at one point - that's a whopping 43'C.

We would hear thunder about and there were thunder clouds collecting nearby, but we didn't get any rain. The forecast is for higher rain chances at the weekend.

Meal time and despite us buting some food to cook in the apartment, we had a craving for pancakes so we drove out to a very quiet IHOP on 14th Street. Most of the food places where we're been before are still about happily. We did notice a few places had shut down, including the much favoured "Fire and Stone Pizza" place. We drove past the site and it looks under referbishment, but then it was like that in 2019, so who knows if it'll ever return.