Wednesday October 23rd

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A very quiet day today. The weather has taken a turn for the worse, much cloudier and distinctly cooler. It has been forecast to have thunderstorms overnight too - but we didn't get anything like that. It had definitely rained though as there were plenty of large puddles about the place.

We did one last jaunt over to the shows for some last minute Linda-shoppingTM

After that we stayed in the apartment for a while. Linda was out on the balcony and reading her 9th book I think. I was in and out as the mood took me.

We then went for a final walk along the beach.

As you can see, the weather was still very overcast, but slowly it was lightening up. I thought we might be in for a final glorious sunset, but alas the dark clouds moved in at the crucial time.

Linda has started some of our packing this evening. I popped out and got us some pizza for dinner and we sat and watched most of the first game of the World Series of Baseball.