Saturday 12th October 2019

Slow Start

I was expecting today to be a slow one, Linda and I got up later than usual and took our time with breakfast. Then just before lunch Linda suggests booking up a dolphin trip with one of the local companies. So that's what we did.

Soon after, we were over at one of the local marinas.

Set Sail

So for the next 90 or so minutes we sailed around the near part of the Gulf, almost immediately we came across a couple of Dolphins, harassing some fishermen on a boat.

After they swam off, we moved further into the bay, spotting the odd dorsal fin from time to time.

We even had a couple follow the boat for a short time, jumping in and out of the boat's wake.

Heading in

On the way back in, we saw a few pelicans along the route and a osprey flew past too.

Hot and Thirsty

Once off the boat, we decided to stop off at the drive-in Starbucks and pick up a cold drink to enjoy back at the apartment. Yum.


Dinner was chinese tonight, we are out on the balcony, watching the sun set.

Night shot from the front of the building

Over to Japan

Japan has been suffering a super typhoon yesterday and today, so the F1 qualifying had been put back to race day. As it's over in Japan, that meant qualifying was being held at 9pm today, so I logged in and watched it on the TV. The actual race is at 1am tomorrow morning. So once the qualifying had finished, it was straight to bed with an alarm for tomorrow at 1am...