Friday October 25th


The captain's predictions were pretty close to the mark - we were supposed to land at 07:15 this morning, but we touched down at 06:16 a hour ahead of schedule.

I was pretty pleased we were down to be honest, although the cabin, service and meal were all very good (aside from the gits who brought a one year old onto the flight - that's happened to up on both the UC flights we've had - so headphones on ASAP to drown out the crying) the flight was pretty bumpy. Maybe not as bad as the flight out where we had some wild drops, but the seatbelt sign must have been on more than it was off.

I was oblivious to most of it as I'd only just downloaded the new Plants vs Zombies game on my Nexus 7 tables and I spent almost the whole flight playing that :)

Linda was mostly reading but nodded off asleep now and again.

By the time we'd had breakfast we were crossing over the Cornwall coast. It was still dark and the cloud cover was low. The plane was still being buffeted by the wind. I was sitting right outside the flight deck, where all the cooked food was kept and the air stewardesses kept their stuff. You could really hear all the boxes and kit rattling about as we came in to land. It felt like the whole plane was coming apart. It didn't help that you could see the clouds whipping past the windows as we finally came in to land.

We're back!

We got down into the Immigration area to find the enormous room almost empty - just the handful of people who had got off before us and a dozen Immigration officers.

As we'd arrived so early, I phoned the car pick up place as soon as I could to warn them. We collected our cases pretty quickly and were through duty free without issue (not that we actually had anything this time).

The car arrived soon after and it was then out into the dark, drizzly, foggy morning for the drive home. It was a horrible drive too.

We were indoors by 8am and we just dumped the bags and went to bed for a couple of hours to try and get us back into the swing of UK time. Still, at least we've a few days to recover before we get back to work.