Friday 7th

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[10:41 EDT]

We were awake quite early as is normal for our first day in the US. The wind outside was the first thing you noticed, despite it not

even being light yet.

This is what it looked like once dawn broke.

Very cloudy this morning

It's still pretty windy even now. The clouds were moving pretty quickly in the wind.

I did a quick time-lapse whilst we were out at the supermarket.

We started to unpack our stuff a little. On the TV it was all about hurricane Matthew as it heads along the east coast.

Matthew slides along the East Coast

We had no actual supplies in the apartment, so first order of the day was to go to Publix (the local supermarket) and get some food.

It was odd to see these signs all over the place.

Lots of these dotted around Publix this morning

We did the shop and then fought with the wind to get the shopping packed into the car as the wind was trying to blow it off along the street.

Strong wind at the supermarket

Now back in the apartment, we've done some breakfast and now it's back to the unpacking.

We've checked on the web-site and it looks like Orlando airport is closed for the next 24 hours, meaning that flights out from the UK are all cancelled up to at least Saturday. That's going to lead to quite a backlog of flights for BA and Virgin.

[21:26 EDT]

The rest of the day was spent pretty much entirely in the apartment. Linda went out onto the balcony to read her Kindle for a couple of hours, but the wind (which has been blustery all day) was blowing spray all over the place, leaving her a bit sticky once she came in.

The sky cleared a little in the evening, meaning we had a reasonable sunset.

We went down to the local pizza place, "Fire and Stone" which is just over the Cortez bridge. They do a 8.99 buffet with all you can eat pizza. It's a very popular place with the locals.


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