Tuesday 21st October

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We had planned to go on a Dolphin trip this afternoon. We'd booked up with a local boat and we were looking forward to the outing at 1pm. However, we've just been phoned by the place to tell us that there is a likelihood of rain today (the forecast says 20%) so they are not going.

However, they did say that tomorrow they will be doing a trip to nearby Egmont Key island. It's one of those 4 hour excursions that give you a couple of hours on the island (only accessible by water) and then the trip back. We have to bring some lunch though. So that's been agreed for tomorrow morning, 9am.

It seems all this cloudy cover is the result of a tropical depression in the Gulf that might bring rain our way later in the week, but it looks more likely to be further south near Cuba. It's not hurricane strength though, thankfully.

So with no trip to occupy us, we set out for a walk along the beach instead.

We headed South this time, back towards the original apartment that we first stayed on Anna Maria in 2012.

Initially the sky was quite overcast.

But even with the clouds it was very warm and quite humid too.

Lots of birds about.


And even the odd dolphin out to sea.

Dolphins appear

We walked about two miles before we came to the town centre in Bradenton.

There were a couple of shops to look around plus somewhere to get something to drink. Luckily, I'd remembered to bring some cash with us this time.

Drink time - coke float

Then as we were still hot and the sun was burning through more, we caught the trolley back up to our place.

Trolley bus back to the apartment

This bus was full up the stop after we got on - just like being at home!

Spent the afternoon chilling on the balcony, looking out to sea. Linda reserved her corner spot.

Afternoon on the balcony

Not long after she sat down, the sun finally came out and it's now got pretty hot out there.