Sunday 16th December 2012


[11:09 GMT]

Indeed, the flight was OK. The babies stopped grizzling and eventually went to sleep. I watched a but of video then tried to get some sleep, turning my chair into a at the touch of a button! The chair has a soft back to it and a small 'storage' area immediately behind where your back is. On pressing the 'bed' button, the whole back of the chair moves forward and goes flat, exposing the soft back of the chair and allowing you to put a pillow in the storage area to give you more headroom. I could just about lay out flat without my legs going over the edge of the foot rest. I sort of got some sleep, but even though the bed was padded, I found it hard to get to sleep properly for any length of time.

The pilot was true to his word and we eventually caught sight of London through the clouds. It was still dark, so taking photos was a bit hit and miss.

Heading over London

We landed at about 7:10 and was pretty quickly through immigration, again using the E-Passport thing.

All bags arrive back OK and we were back on the road by 8:00 am, arriving home at 9:05 am due to the empty Sunday morning traffic.

Back safe and sound

Now to get this lot unpacked!