Tuesday 15th October 2019

Early Morning

I was up early to take a couple of moon photos.

Birthday Cards

53 Today! So cards were delivered this morning.


As is traditional now for my birthday, we took the drive over to IHOP for breakfast. Swedish Crepes is the order of the day for me.

One Stop Shop

On the way back from IHOP we popped into Publix to pick up the (possibly) last bit of shopping we'll need for the rest of the week.

This is the Publix Hallowe'en display.

Lunchtime Ice Cream

As we intended to have a bigger dinner tonight, I decided to have a very light lunch so we drove over to the local ice cream parlor and got a couple of tubs of ice cream to take back to the apartment.


On the way back, we got held up on the Cortez bridge for a while. Slowly the ice cream was melting. So we decided to put it in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Big Night Out

We got ready for the evening, intending to do some nice photos with the sunset in the background, however the sunset was very cloudy, so we did our best.