Saturday 21st Apr

Early morning stroll

Went for a quick walk around the hotel this morning.

Dawn was just starting but it was still pleasant out there temperature-wise.

Picked up my polariser for my camera as well, as there was a note on my door saying I had a package waiting for me as we left this morning.


I'm doing my best Zeke (or is it Cletus?) impression as I steer an airboat along a creek in Kissimmee today.

We'd decided to go for a drive around Kissimmee to see what was there (not a great deal really) and we came across this air-boat rental place. Quite cheap and the creek / river was quite a peaceful place to go along, shame the airboat was so noisy!

It took about an hour to complete the 1.something miles to the turn around point and back.

These guys started just after us and probably finished a good 10 minutes before we got back. In fact, as we returned to the jetty, the people running the tours packed away and literally followed us out of the exit.

Who thinks they were waiting for us to leave!!

Keep those legs crossed!

16:21 - We've been suffering from a slightly leaky bath tap in our room, so this morning we asked reception to get someone to have a look at it whilst we were out.

By the time we returned, there was no leak. Great! we though... until we noticed that the sink tap and indeed to toilet were both empty of water too.

It turns out there's been a hotel-wide water failure. It's been off for a while it seems. Latest estimates are for a further 45 minutes before it comes back on...

We're off for something to eat - and to find a working loo !!!

Water's back on.

18:45 - Came back from an excellent meal at Marconi Grill to find the water back on. It was a bit brown to start off with but soon righted itself.