Tuesday 11th

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OK - It's been brought to my attention that the slideshow at the bottom of each page isn't working. This seems to be something that Google has removed sometime since I used it last in 2015. So for the moment, I'll just add in a link to the photo album at the bottom of each page instead of having a nice slideshow running. Shame.

[08:46 EDT]

Change of plans today. The cloud cover is still here, so although we're up early, it's still dull here. But more, the wind is forecast to still be moderate, leading to sea conditions described as "choppy". As we were planning to go on a boat ride, we are going to put that back a day or so to avoid any mishaps whilst on the water.

So.. what to do?

[17:38 EDT]

When in doubt, go shopping!

We drove off to Ellington Outlet Mall then over to the University City Mall a few miles away. It was cloudy all the way there and back.

Still very cloudy today

When we crossed over the bridges we could see that the water was quite grey and choppy, so probably a good decision not to go out further.

We were back on the island by 5pm. On the way back, we passed a couple of pumpkin sellers, all set up for Halloween.

One or two for sale!

They must do quite a trade as we've seen them for the last couple of years.

Once back in the apartment, we got a call from the rental company. Earlier in the day I'd reported to them that the lift in the building complex wasn't working. The building is only two floors high, but I'm concerned that they get it fixed before we leave as I don't fancy moving all our cases via the staircase! Anyway, they were just checking as to if the lift was still out. It is still broken, but the worse bit is that there's no sign or notice to warn people. So you stand there waiting for a door that will never open. They promised to raise it with the management team.

PHOTO ALBUM : https://goo.gl/photos/swSiH7xCbKgepgz98

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