Monday 20th October

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We drove over to the nearby Premier Outlet Mall at Ellington. It's about 25 minutes away. We had a walk around there, Linda got herself a few things. By the time we were back in the car it had gone noon. The car was super hot when we got back in too - first time that's happened this holiday.

We stopped off to get some petrol too. The hire car had a full tank when we picked it up, but we needed some now and hopefully there will be enough to last us out until the end of the week.

Back for lunch in the apartment then Linda went out onto the balcony in the sun. I was indoors (in the cool!). We then popped down to the pool for a half hour as the sun began to set.

Sadly, the sunset tonight was completely clouded over. This is what it looked like at sunset time.

Sunset is clouded over

Pretty poor really.

Dinner tonight was at a place called Slims -it was so so. But did have pretty large chairs... how large?

High chair at dinner

That large!

Monday nights is football night in the US. We watched a bit at Slims, but I can never follow what's happening! The baseball starts tomorrow.