Friday 23rd September 2011


Our last full day in Boston. :(

The weather man on the TV issued a weather warning this morning, highlighting that there could be flash floods in New England tonight. So we knew the day was likely to be a little wet. Indeed, looking out of the window it was overcast and misty from the start.

Once we got ourselves out of the hotel, we caught the tour trolley bus from nearby and rode it into the centre of town. From there we rode it over to the Prudential centre. This is a large 52 storey building near the centre of the town. It's mainly office space, but on the 50th floor there's a 360' observation deck. So up we went!

As you can see, it was still misty/cloudy so we certainly couldn't see very far - but we did manage to pick out various places we'd visited on our many tours.

That's Fenway Park on the left, alongside the I90 Freeway.

By the time we came back down, the rain was in for good - indeed, it started about 3:30pm and was still going late into the evening.

So we popped into a nearby Starbucks then moved on to look around some shops.

Down  comes the rain

Actually, before we got to the shops, I managed to track down a certain building in the heart of Boston, quite close to the old King's Burying Ground cemetery that we'd been in the previous night!


Finally, laden down with a bit of Linda shopping, we hit the Hard Rock for a meal. Food was very nice, although one odd thing occurred... the waitress had just brought me a second Sierra Mist (like Sprite) in a big pint-type glass. She put it on our table, started collecting up some empty plates, then all of a sudden the glass just split down the middle! It was like someone had cut it with a laser as it just split into two even halves falling on to the table - spilling the contents all over the table. Very odd - I might have understood it if she'd slammed the glass down or hit it with something, but nobody was anywhere near it and the glass just split into two halves!

Luckily, we managed to dodge the wave of drink as it went all over the place.

Cab back to the hotel and it's now time to start the big re-pack! Fingers crossed.