Thursday 13th

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[13:01 EDT]

Back in the apartment after an odd morning. We had planned to make the trip south to go on one of the boat trips leaving Sarasota. So we left reasonably early and was in Sarasota by 10am.

It has the odd statue of the VE day kiss as you arrive. It's 25 feet tall but is placed right at a busy intersection, meaning everyone is looking in the wrong place as they try and cross!

So we arrived at the marina in plenty of time, only to see a group of people near our boat. We investigated and was told that the 11am trip had been cancelled due to minor technical issues. Bummer.

We walked a little further to a tikki bar and got ourselves a coffee and sat outside to drink it.

We stop for a coffee

Here's the boat we were supposed to be going on - not moving anywhere.

Not going anywhere

On the walk back we came across a big swing...

Then back into the car and heading for home.

[21:56 EDT]

After lunch we went down to the local beach for a couple of hours until it got too hot. The umbrella we'd taken down with us wasn't standing up to the breeze, so we ended up going back up to the pool where we sat and read for a while, dipping into the water every now and again.

It was a nice sunset too tonight.

I did a timelapse too.

Tonight's meal was a very nice pasta at the Carrabbas, Italian restaurant.

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