Thursday 6th December

Oi ! Come back !!

This is a shot of the car that took us to Gatwick. We normally put up with the Gatwick Flyer, but Virgin offer a car pickup for return customers, so hey! why not :) Only took us a hour door to door - about 45 minutes faster than the GF and free to boot.

I grabbed this shot as the car pulled off. Little did I realise, that the car also still contained my keys! I noticed they were missing just before we entered security in Gatwick. Many frantic phone calls later (thank you Shirley for checking our house in the pouring rain!) and Halmark cars discovered the keys in the back of the Volvo. Pheeew!

Sitting in the Servisair lounge waiting for the flight. It's posting almost a hour late in leaving. Still, than gives us more time to stock up on Oaty biscuits and get more use of this 24 hour tmobile internet credit. At lease I managed to bag a table with an electric plug nearby so no battery worries whilst we wait.

Linda's toddled off to the shops of course. Nothing ever changes ;)

Made it...finally !

Due to bad weather, we took off almost at around 12:30pm. We travelled up towards Manchester and then over Greenland. This also added a further hour to our journey. Coupled with imigration checks and collecting the car, it was gone 8pm before we were in our hotel room.

Room looks nice. Cant say about the view, even though we are onthe 5th floor, we can't see anything as it's pretty much pitch black our there at the moment. Once unpacked we're going to find something to eat.

Balloon ride has been confirmed for tomorrow! :)