Friday 16th December 2011

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[18:00 PST]

Time we had to return our car. However, before we did, we took a quick trip over to Wal*Mart to have a look at stuff over there. I didn't get anything much, but Linda's bags were heaving again!

We took the car back to Treasure Island Hotel then took the tram over to the Mirage Hotel. We'd not been in this one yet this holiday, so here's a quick shot of part of their decorations.

At the back of the Mirage, there's a dolphin pool and a big cat enclosure. A few months back two new dolphins had been born and they were swimming about in the pool today.

Dolphins including a couple of babies

Once back from there - Linda popped off to a couple of other shops whilst I returned to the hotel room.

We're getting ready now to go out for our last evening meal - Linda has booked us a couple of tickets for the Caesar's Palace tonight, we're going to see Matt Goss. For those of you lucky enough to not know who he is... look it up!

[01:01 PST+1]

Not long back from Caesar's Palace. We got over there by jumping on the courtesy bus from the Trump. Once at Caesar's Palace, we walked to the end of the Forum shops area and had a meal at the Cheesecake Factory there. Once done, we picked up our tickets and walked down to the Cleopatra's Barge area which is a small venue (normally a dining area I think). I guess it seats around 200 to 300 people. It was pretty full when the show did eventually start (technical issues meant it didn't begin until 10pm). However, you have to hand it to him, Matt Goss played to the crowd - getting them into football chants and such (there were a large contingent of Brits in there is seemed). His songs were a couple of well known ones, some old Bros songs (well, the two everyone remembers... come on, "When will I be famous" was one... what was the other?? Answers on tomorrows blog!). There was some Sinatra in there and also, curiously, a little bit of the Specials too I noticed! The crowd lapped it up though. He was on stage non stop until just before 11:30. A great show all around and one I'd recommend to anyone with a Friday or Saturday night to spare in Las Vegas. Even the seats are relatively cheap compared to some shows.