Wednesday 21st

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Today we decided to head out to Sarasota to visit one of the attractions there. In the end we opted for the Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota.

They are a moderately sized botanical garden which also hosts one of the largest displays of orchids in the country.

Needless to say, it took many minutes and many photos to make our way through that area.

There are many many more of those in the slideshow at the bottom. If you click the slideshow, you can see the photos in their album properly.

Finally, we moved into the Bonsai area

Before we stopped for a drink under a large Banyan tree

Banyan Tree

We them moved on through the remainder of the gardens, ending up at an art exhibit.

By the time we left, we'd been in there nearly three hours.

As we'd packed a lunch in the cold-box, we stopped at the water's edge on the way home to have some food.

We stop by the water for a bite

Last stop was to get some petrol as we were pretty much empty.

Almost out of gas

This time I paid $20 for 8.5 gallons, I think about 40-odd UK pence a litre!