Monday 29th March 2010

[23:54 PDT]

I'd have thought that by now our body clocks might have adjusted. But again this morning we were awake whilst it was still dark outside. One good outcome about waking early, though, was that I had plenty of time to update the photos and the blog.

One of the photos on the slideshow below shows the results of the cleaner's OCD as they decided to put all of Linda's creams and potions into order :)We headed out for a breakfast buffet this morning. It was quite nice and not too crowded. After this, we wandered off down the Strip. Our primary purpose was to pick up out tickets for the Viva Elvis show tonight, but we also just wanted to have a wander around. The Aria complex wasn't somewhere we visited when we were here in 2008 - I'm not even sure that it was here in March 2008. It's a big place, as are most of the new complexes in LV now. The tickets were picked up and we continued North, stopping in the Mirage to have a look at the Dolphin complex at the back of that hotel.We then moved over the road and back down to the Flamingo casino to pick up our Donney and Marie tickets that is tomorrows show.By the time we got back to the hotel, it was easily in the high 70's temperature-wise and we were both starting to flag somewhat. So we refreshed ourselves with a shower and got ready to head back out to the Aria for the Viva Elvis show. We has good seats in the theatre, not up the front, but we both had clear central views of the stage.

The show itself was a bit average. I was a little unsure why they decided to change a lot of the music instead of just playing the originals. There was also less acrobatics than the Ka show that we saw last time. I think I still prefer Ka of the two.

Quick stop off for some meal and back to the room.