Wednesday 9th October 2019


I tried a night lapse last night on the GoPro. It's so so, as the cloudy was getting in the way a bit. Hopefully over the weekend, when the weather brightens up, we'll get something better.

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

The humidity has shot up today making going outside a task in itself. So we kept around the apartment for most of the morning and only ventured out when we decided we needed to more supplies from Publix. So we drove down there, stopping off at CVS (like Boots) so Linda could raid the make-up counters again.

Lunch was back at the apartment and we logged in to watch a bit of the UK TV to see what was happening in the world. US TV does seems quite focused on the weather and the local sports teams!

Whilst we were doing that, I was running a short timelapse out the front of the apartment, looking at the clouds which were threatening rain.

Hopefully the weather behaves for the next few hours as we're booked onto a paddle steamer ride to watch the sunset and see the moon rise. Should be good as long as it's not too cloudy or wet.

Hot and Wet

So, yeah, my hopes did not pan out. The weather stayed cloudy all evening, offering just a glimpse of sunset at the end of the day. Plus it started to rain soon after we left dock and continued for the rest of the evening as well.

Overall - OK

Yes, so it rained most of the evening, meaning we were quite wet by the time we docked, and yes there was a small but very noisy group of 50+ Americans on board who insisted on shouting to each other in their small groups, but we did enjoy ourselves.

It was a steady ride, the on-board live music was competent enough. Plus we say quite a number of dolphins on the trip. Including one point where they were swimming backwards and forwards across a shallow area, meaning you could see most of their body above the waterline. Wow - do they swim fast!

Heading home

Once back on the dock, we walked back to the car (in the rain) and drove over to a small Domino Pizza on Cortez road where we ordered a pizza to eat back at the apartment. It was very nice too!

One Last Thing..

I'd also left the GoPro recording the sunset from the apartment. We didn't miss much!