Saturday 16th May

Miles Driven Today

Total Miles




East coast means sunrise time!

Sunrise was at 06:31 this morning. Once it had risen, we returned to the balcony of our apartment and had breakfast. Soon, however, the sun was getting too hot for me and I retired into AC land whilst Linda continues to lay out on the lounger making the most of it!


We stayed this way for a hour or so before I rejoined Linda outside on the balcony. The sun was really strong by now and we were both getting very hot. So we decided to go down to the beach and cool down in the sea breeze and perhaps take a dip in the Atlantic.

We went for a walk along the beach for a while and finally returned to the villa around 2pm to dry off.

After 3pm we jumped in the car and went in search of a Manatee in the wild. So far we've only seen them in captivity (Sea World). There is a Manatee refuge near where we are staying, so we headed there.

Initially, they were very elusive, but finally our patience paid off as we saw a group of four, maybe five, manatee playing in the water quite near the shore. Sadly, they don't photograph well as they are much too big to leap out of the water like dolphins.

On the way back, we stopped off at a classic car display that was in the car park of one of the local hotels here. There were cars here that were almost 90 years old. Some of them had engines (replicas I guess) which were more shiny than the paintwork on the cars (and they really did shine).

There was even a pimped up Mini that has a single racing seat, roll case and Nitro inside.

Not something to meet at the traffic lights!

Some of these machines were really beautiful to look at though. Note the mirror under the car, showing how shiny the underside of this car is!

Quick dinner in IHOP.