07 Oct Sunday

[Last Updated: 2018-10-08 08:58 EDT]

The alarm woke us both up at 1:00am. We shuffled into the front room and put the TV on so we could watch the F1 race from Japan live. It started at 01:10am. We watched most of it, aided by coffee and a couple of biscuits to keep us awake. Once it was over, we were straight back to bed, not getting up until the sun was up.

Breakfast first, then we went for a walk along the beach in the hot sun.

Partially empty beach

The beach was quiet for a weekend, indeed we've noticed that this weekend has been very quiet, much more than usual. I'm not sure whether the reported 'Red Tide' issues of recent months has kept people away, but we're used to an almost full parking area under our apartment at the weekend. This time, I think there's been maybe 6 cars there.

Weather wise, it's still very hot. The TV keeps quoting 'near record temperatures' but I'm pretty sure 92'F isn't that hot in the scale of Florida temperatures. The humidity is still high though, even for a beach location which usually benefits from sea breezes. The clouds coming over increase towards the end of the day and last night, we could see a storm out to see on the horizon (it also gives great sunsets!)

Further afield, the weather forecast this morning was reporting on a tropical depression which is gaining strength in the southern part of the Gulf of Mexico. The spaghetti tracks are placing it moving north over the Gulf. So we may well keep this muggy weather for a little longer, coupled with an increase in cloud and possible rain by mid-week. We'll keep an eye on it as it develops.

Once back in the complex, we went straight into the pool for a dip. The wall clock was still there and that meant we knew when we wanted to get out. Even if it doesn't last the Florida rains later in the year, at least it'll be working for our stay.

Clock - doing its thing!

Then is was back to the apartment, shower and time for lunch.

Now Linda's out on the balcony again, reading what I think is her fourth book now (already finished two books and one novella) whilst I'm typing this.

In a hour it'll be time for another session of VPN-X Factor.

We watched the sunset which was pretty well clouded over today, the cloud cover is a lot more this evening.

Cloudy Sunset

Evening meal was at Perkins. On the drive back we noticed that the wind has picked up a lot. The tropical storm has a name now, Michael. It's expected to head North over the next few days. Possibly reaching land around North Florida, Tallahassee or Panama City. We should be OK here, but the weather will be a little chaotic for a few days.