Tuesday 22nd July

[23:05 US]

Today we were feeling the effects of the late night yesterday. So we took our time getting out.

When we did emerge, it was into another very warm day. More cloudy than previously, but much more humid.

The forecast was for thunder showers later...

We had bought a round trip ticket on the open top bus, so our plan was to use that to move around the city a little.

However, first off we headed to B&H to initially buy a second battery for my camcorder. However, after walking around for a while and looking at all the tech, I ended up walking out with not only the battery, but also the Sony A300 DSLR!

We popped back to the hotel to dump the packages then headed to the bus. We took it into the financial district, getting off at the World Trade Centre (which certainly looked like building work was finally underway). We then had a scrum in the Century 21 show, which was really packed due to yet another sale!

We then returned up the East side and back to Times Square.

After a meal there we jumped on yet another bus, this time for a night time loop around the lower part of Manhattan and a brief diversion over to Brooklyn to see the view back over to the skyscrapers.

Temperature was still 82' at 9pm this evening. But we didn't see any rain or hear any thunder, despite the rising humidity.