Sunday October 20th

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Still higher humidity this morning. I popped out to take a photo of the rain showers in the distance and the camera immediately fogged over - I've not had that happen this holiday and its a sure sign that the humidity has gone up.

We wanted to do some quick shopping today but as it turns out, the places we visited didn't give up many bargains. We stopped off at a Starbucks on the way back to grab a drink for the car.

Drink for the way home

Just before we got home, we were stopped by the drawbridge on the crossing into Anna Maria - it was the first time we've been stopped, but we have seen the bridges up a few times during our holiday.

We got back to our apartment and had some lunch. It's very warm again this afternoon and a lot more humid than it has been over the past few days. We sat in the cool for a while then decided to got for a walk along the beach. With a slight sea-breeze coming in it was a little cooler on the beach than it was out in the shopping malls.

By the time we got back to the apartment complex, we were both pretty hot so we stopped off in the pool for almost a hour.

We went back inside before we pruned up too much. Just got in before the sunset.

As tonight was Walking Dead night on TV, we got some take out and had that whilst I watched my program on TV.