Sunday 11th

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Another day, another time-lapse from last night. Yesterday we had a much clearer might, lots of stars about even with the naked eye. I set up the camera (without extra battery) and got it to expose longer to bring out the stars more. There's even a hint of Milky-way in there too.

I was up early this morning. Just after 7am I was in front of the PC, connected up to home in the UK and watching the F1 on iPlayer. Quite a good race too.

Once it was completed, we realised it was coming over a lot darker. Indeed it's just been raining. Checking the forecast, this must be the cold front they were promising. Hopefully it'll result in a drop in the temperature and humidity from now on.


Just had some lunch after a walk along the beach. It's a lot windier today, but now that the cloud has gone over, the humidity is much better.

We didn't go too far today, just North for a while, before turning around.

Lunch on the balcony, from where we spotted a couple of small dolphins swimming past.

Later we went down to the beach for a couple of hours. But it started to get too warm for me, so we went back to the pool for a hour to cool down.

Dinner tonight was a short drive over to IHOP.

We'd planned to get a small dinner, but they don't do small over here.

...sort of

Still tasty though.