Tuesday October 9th



Doing this the day after as we were a bit tired last night.

A few years back we were talking to someone who recommended Anna Maria as a place to visit. We followed their directions and ended up at a small beach which was pretty much deserted. Today we went back there to visit again.

There were a few groups on the beach but they were a way down the beach. We set up our chairs under the shadow of a nearby tree which was fine in that we kept cool but it did mean that Linda, who wanted to get into the sun more, had to keep moving about to keep in the brighter sun. Linda had her Kindle and I was using my tablet, which was actually usable despite the bright sunlight. We'd arrived at 12:30 and there we sat listening to the birds and the waves.

Towards the end of the afternoon, we moved the chairs down to the water's edge and sat there for a while with the sea running around us. Aaah.

Finally, we packed the car up and walked down to the pier. There is an ice-cream shop there so we stopped off for a double-scoop each.

Whilst out on the pier (it's a little wooden structure with lots of fisherman) we actually spotted a dolphin in close. It was elusive and I only managed one photo

Just caught a dolphin swimming past

We then jumped back into the car and headed off home. We arrived just in time for the sunset outside the apartment.

Here are the photos for today below. Remember you can click the photos and look at not only today's efforts but the other day's too.