Saturday 18th October

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Today I decided we should go for another walk along the beach. This time, heading North towards the tip of the island. From out balcony you can see a small headland that appears to be the end of the island, from our point of view. That was the target.

It doesn&#39;t look too far away

See that small strip of land above Linda's left shoulder? That was our destination. So off we went. We started at 10:08.

Initially all was well, we progressed at a steady pace but all the time, the distant headland didn't appear to be getting any closer. That was because it was actually 3.5 miles away (I've measured it on Google maps since!)

Onward we travelled, through busy and quiet parts of the beach. Past sand sculptures and turtle nesting sites.

turtle nest

We eventually reached the tip of the headland at just gone 12:00. Nearly two hours of walking. By then, the shells in my sandals had given me blisters and Linda was exhausted from the heat. So we decided to stop for a rest in the shade.


After a while we started walking back. It took another hour or so before we got back to the next nearest public beach, Manatee Beach. By then Linda was out on her feet and despite us only having maybe a mile to go, we hopped on the air conditioned (!!!) trolley bus that runs along our road and got off a hundred yards from the apartment. I estimate we'd walked maybe 6 miles in total. We were both hot and tired so it was straight into the pool to cool off for 20 minutes before we retired back up to the apartment.

And that's where we've stayed for the afternoon. Linda's on the balcony with her Kindle and I'm on the PC in the cool!