Saturday October 16th

[14:32 EDT]

We got up late this morning. Sat out on the balcony and watched the early shell pickers as they walked along the beach. In the morning, the front balcony is in shade, so it was cool and comfortable to sit out there. Over the other side of the road, the sun was out and must have been in the high 70's already.

After breakfast, we decided to take a short walk along the few streets nearby. Aside from the usual small wooden homes that you see in this part of the world (some already decorated for Halloween) there was a tiny street of shops and a harbour with it's own pier. We sat over there for a while until it became too hot to bear.

Back indoors, we made some lunch from the provisions we'd bought the night before (plus some stuff we've been carrying with us for a while now).

Linda then wanted to take her Kindle over to the beach and read, but after the windy sand blasting we got yesterday, I suggested that she sit out on the balcony (which by now is in full sun) and read there. It's just as hot as the beach, but there's always a fridge within reach and no sand blasting!

That's where she is as I type this. I think it'll be too hot to sit out there for long - it's 86' according to the thermometer out there, but we'll see.

[15:00 EDT]

Linda's had to come indoors for a hat as she's finding it difficult to read.

[08:31 EDT+1]

Well, Linda managed to stay out there for about two hours. After that she came in and demanded we go over for a dip in the sea! So we took our own chairs (we'd bought them in Naples from a Publix) and placed them down at the sea's edge. The tide was slowly coming in so we sat there getting washed over every now and again - quite cooling actually :)

In the evening, we went to a local Italian restaurant for dinner. Next door is a cinema, so we might go along and see Red tomorrow Sunday evening.