Friday 16th September 2011


We could definitely feel the drop in temperature this morning - I guess it had dropped another 5 or 6 degrees. We'd already packed up most of our stuff before we went down to breakfast. Once that was finished it was time to pack up the remainder of our bags and head off North. As the drive to our next destination was less than two hours, we had decided to make a stop off at Mount Mansfield, a ski resort that runs a cable car to the near top of the mountain during the summer months.

As you can see, the top of the mountain was covered in fog/low cloud. We jumped into a cable car and headed up the ski trail. Once we arrived, we briefly got a chance to see some of the expected views.

But all too soon the cloud and wind descended and most of the view was obscured.

We had a look about the place before it became just too cold for Linda who retreated to a sheltered area near the cable car building.

It's just under zero up here

Just before we left, the sun poked through a little, once again giving us a beautiful view.

Once back on ground level, we drove further north, just 80 or so miles from Canada. We then swung east over towards a place called Bethlehem, back in New Hampshire. It's a small lodge with an amazing view looking out toward Mount Washington.

What a view

It's a pretty awesome place inside, run by a husband and wife team.

Main room