15 Oct Monday

[Last Updated: 2018-10-15 22:42 EDT]

It's my birthday! 52.. yay.

As is tradition it seems, we were out early for a IHOP breakfast on my birthday. Swedish crepes, yum.

Traditional IHOP breakfast

On the way back, we stopped off at the marina where we picked up the Anna Maria Princess back on Saturday. Here we've booked up a couple of outings tomorrow for Linda and me. I'm going on a 90 minute jet-ski ride in the local area. Linda's off on a Dolphin Cruise at the same time. 10am.

I've not ridden a jet-ski before and I made sure the guy was aware of it. Still we'll be in a small group, I assume (based on who else books up - I think I'm the first booking for that date).

Then back to the apartment to cool down a little. It's still very sunny, but a little more humid now. Before heading up, I gave the car a quick once-over with the high pressure hose in the car-parking area. The windscreen has been getting steadily covered with salt over the week. It's all nice and clean again now.

Nice and clean again

We spent a quiet afternoon in the apartment, Linda's on her 10th book now! I'm still trying to make headway on Oxygen not Included a pc game.

It eventually got too hot to sit outside, so Linda can into the cool. We then went down to the pool. Only one other person was in there, so it was nice and peaceful. We swam about for maybe 45 minutes then walked down to the beach with our chairs. We sat there and watched the sun go down.

Once it had fully set, we went straight back to the apartment, showered and headed out to Longhorns Steakhouse. I had steak, Linda chose chicken.

Still muggy on the way home, even though it was past 10pm. We could see a storm passing in the darkness out to sea. No rain here, but it was interesting watching the lightning flashes in the distance.