Friday 16th May

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Today was our second moving day - this time down to the Death Valley area.

After breakfast, we packed up and did one last set of photos of the room

Then it was into the car, off to the nearby garage for $60 of fuel, then we headed East back into Yosemite National Park. However, the route turned us North and onto the Tioga Pass road. This is a very high road that takes you over the North of Yosemite Valley and out to the East of the National Park. It's the only way to drive East without taking a long diversion. It's always hit-and-miss as to when this road is open. As it's so high it's always snowed up until around about May, but in some years it's not been open until late June. Fortunately, this year it's been quite early in its opening so we could drive it without issue.

The road up was pretty much like the other Yosemite roads - full of trees, some with burn damage, twists and of course many vista points to get views like this.

and this

We were not is a hurry on this drive, and we stopped regularly to have a look around. Not that you could drive quickly here anyway as there were many warnings of rock fall areas coupled with the fact that most of the roads HAD NO BARRIERS AND A 1000 FOOT DROP! It sort of keeps you on your toes!

Steep drop if you go too far

Linda's view whilst I drove along

Once at the height of the elevation, we stumbled on a frozen lake/river with snow all around it. I tested how deep it might be...

Deeper than I thought

There's your answer

Not often you get to walk in snow with sandals and t-shirt.

Finally we started descending - and this was a very tricky part as you naturally sped up down the slopes, but those drops were still there...

Finally Descending

See that thin line a quarter of the photo up? That's the road. Sheer drops below that!

Eventually though, the road opened out and imminent death rescinded. This is the view coming down the 395 towards Bishop.

These people have so much space it's unreal!

Finally into the hotel in Bishop. On getting out, I wondered what these people are selling.

What do they sell there?

We may never know.

Internet speed is wonderful compared to the modem speeds I was getting in Yosemite. Plus there's free washing machines here too - Linda's got a load going around as I type.