19 Sep 2022 - Monday

Funeral Day

TV was all about the funeral of the Queen today. As we are 5 hours behind UK time, this meant and early get up to see the start. It was early afternoon before it all concluded.

It's still odd watching this all from afar.

When it had all concluded, we popped out for possibly our last supply run from the supermarket. We fly back on Saturday, so we still needed to replenish food we'd got through.

After lunch, the temperature was high again, although not as humid I think. So we headed down to the pool and I took my kindle along to try and get to the end of my current book (which I started last year sometime) H.M.S. Surprise by Patrick O'Brian.

We sat at the side of the pool for a while, but it soon became too hot for that, so we moved into the pool itself to keep cool.

Surprisingly, we were in the pool until about 6:45 when I went to the car to pick up the beach chairs and we headed to the beach for the sunset.

Clouds were light, initially, but the horizon was still cloudy meaning we didn't get a particularly good sunset.

We sat on for another 30 minutes or so and was treated to a nice sky above us.

We headed back inside just as the first stars were appearing. Pizza for dinner.