Saturday 5th October 2019

Pop to the shops

We usually end up buying one or two larger items for use in the apartment. This year we needed a clothes dryer as the one from last year, which even then was falling apart, didn't survive last year.

So we drove to WalMart and picked up one for $15. Hopefully it'll last a few years.

We picked up a coffee from the Starbucks on the way home then had lunch in the apartment.

Afternoon Beach

As the sun began to sink, we walked down to the beach, taking a couple of chairs from the store. We set up on the edge of the water to watch the sun go down.

After dark

We sat there for a good few hours, first watching the sun set, then waiting for the stars to appear.

It was properly dark before we walked back up to the apartment.

Dinner was a home cooked pizza. After which we watched some TV then off to bed.