Monday 10th December 2012

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Another walking day - this time we went towards the Prudential Centre which is west from us on Boylston Street. The weather had been we again overnight but, despite a very strong wind, it wasn't raining as we walked along. Indeed, it's been surprisingly mild too - 14 or 15'C apparently. No need for the big coat today, just a sweatshirt.

We walked right down to the Sheraton Hotel so we could scout the area out. It's from here that we will pick up our Limoliner for the trip into New York tomorrow. We were hoping to see where it pulled in today and so we waited the 25 minutes until past it's normal pick up time of 12:25. However, nothing showed up, so we're none the wiser.

We then went into the Prudential centre itself. It's a sort of mall crossed with a business centre with many companies having their entrances straight off the mall corridors. Again there were lots of decorations about.

We also stopped there to have a quick meal at the food court. We didn't rush things as outside the rain had decided to sweep over the area in a deluge that lasted a good 15 minutes. A woman at the next table had walked off without picking up her bag from the food court table. We sat there for 10 minutes thinking she'd return but eventually I tracked down an elusive security guard who came and collected it, allowing us to move back out into the street for the walk back to the hotel.

Linda picked up a box of cookies that was buy 6 get 6 free. Hmm. I'm not sure we're going to get through all those!

6 free cookies

We're taking it easy for a few hours before heading out to a local Italian place just behind the hotel that looks quite nice.

Raining off and on it seems outside :(

[07:37 EST+1]

So we were in the hotel for a couple of hours, Linda was doing some light packing ready for our trip tomorrow. Then we went back out for dinner. Luckily the rain had held off so we headed for an Italian place, Maggianos, which was just around the corner from the hotel. Although the place was busy (lots of work dos I think) we got in. If you've ever eaten in the Cheesecake Factory, you'll know the size of portions that they server up. Well, Maggianos is that plus 25%. This is my starter that came out on a large plate.

A huuuuge starter of onion strings

Once I'd finished it barely looked like I'd had anything. Linda's serving was just as big. The food was very nice though and the place is definitely somewhere to go back again another time. A quick walk back to the hotel and up to our room. Linda was asleep pretty quick, I tried to watch the Patriots / Texans game on TV but even I dropped off sometime in the third quarter (10:30 ish).