Sunday October 21st



Not much to report today as it was a lazy day. We didn't get up until the sun was already a hour in the sky. Didn't do much in the morning aside from set up the food delivery for when we get back next week (boo). I've booked up on Tuesday for use to go on the Sanibel Thriller. It's a speedboat similar to the Sea Screamer in Clearwater. Actually, we've been on there before.

During the afternoon, we went down to the pool. There's been a cold front move through this area and that has dropped the humidity a lot - it's still hot though.

Another clear day but not as humid

The pool side thermometer was still registering over 110'F. At times we had the pool to ourselves so there was plenty of time to get Linda to do her widths without anyone getting in the way. Finally, a large family arrived with many many children so that was our queue to move from the peace of the poolside to the balcony for some coffee.

Back up to the balcony for coffee and donut

This evening we drove down to the local pizza place - that guy's phone didn't stop ringing all the time we were there. I can see why though - it was very nice pizza!

nice pizza tonight