Wednesday October 9th

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As is usual, we were awake very early as the jet-lag does its thing. We still couldn't see anything outside as the sun was not up for another few hours.

I got a call on my phone whilst I was laying there - I assumed it was from work, but it was a call from home. Shirley was having issues with our alarm system that had tripped and started phoning our for help. My number is first on the list. I called back and managed to sort out Shirley before going back to sleep for a while.

I set up my camera to capture dawn on our first day.

I then popped over to the KMart over the road to grab some food for breakfast as we had absolutely nothing in the place.

We need to get to the Publix this morning to pick up our proper supplies for the next two weeks. But before that, I'll likely need to give the rental office a call as, for the life of me, I cannot get the outside door lock to lock properly, meaning we cannot actually lock the apartment if we leave it. Inside it's OK as there's a dead-bolt, but outside it refuses to lock.

Once the sun was up, we finally got a chance to see where we are. It's a magnificent vista - pretty much 150' of sea-edge and white beach. We're on a slight kink in the building meaning we can see North as well as South West. We should definitely see sun-sets during the holiday - prepare for more sunset shots!

Balcony Panoramic

The first thing we needed to do was sort out the door issue. I had another look at why I could not seem to lock it from the outside. On review I suddenly realised that all we had to do is set the lock from the inside then close the door. Simple as that!

With the door sorted, we headed out to the supermarket to get our supplies. As we're not moving on anywhere else, we could get more of the supplies in one go as we can freeze them or store them for longer.

Off to get supplies

Back from the shops to have something to eat and a sit out on the balcony for a hour or so.

Linda had done her usual ironing this morning on the board that was in the apartment, it was just one of those small table top jobbies. So we popped over to the local Target and got hold of a full size one for $14 (about £9!) That should sort her out for the two weeks that we are here. It certainly won't go in the case to go home though!

More sitting on the balcony, watching the sunset - even though it was covered in cloud just at the critical time!

Still - plenty of time to catch a better one!