Tuesday 30th March 2010

[08:44 PDT]

Looking at the weather forecast, this Thursday is supposed to be a big drop in temperature with the chance of rain and maybe hail too. It's supposed to last for just a day, so I decided to call Tom, the guy that runs the Shooting Through History experience, to get our booking moved to the Friday. As it's an outdoor experience it seems prudent to go for the best weather.

We have another show booked for tonight, but first we're heading onto the new Gold Line rapid bus system (think of a Vegas Bendy Bus) and will head north to the Stratosphere.

[17:28 PDT]This Ace Gold bus-tram thing is a good idea. However, it's proving so popular that it was quite difficult to ride on one if you got on after the first couple of stops. We caught one outside the MGM (which is near the start of the route) so we grabbed one of the last seats. However, 30 minutes later and we were approaching the Stratosphere and the bus was heaving! Even when we came back later it was very busy. They need more buses!As I mentioned before, we headed to the Stratosphere. Unlike last time, the queue was minimal. However, once at the top, we discovered part of the outside platform was under renovation, restricting access to the West side of the platform. We stopped off at the Fashion Mall for a hour on the way back - ending up not actually buying anything at all, which is a first!Once back in the hotel, I checked my email to discover that the Donny & Marie show has been cancelled for tonight :(

I've since got in touch with the ticket company and managed to get a booking for Thursday now, but it's not in the same area as tonight's would-be seats (we had great seats before). A shame, but at least we'll get to see the show - fingers crossed.

This has at least given us some spare hours to kill, so we've booked up for a Steak meal over in the Luxor hotel (which will be the first time we've gone there).

[23:52 PDT]

Just back from an interesting evening. We had a very nice (and expensive, for us) dinner at the Luxor's steak place Tender. Then decided to have a little go on the slots in there one the way out. I finally plucked up the nerve to have my first go at a blackjack table. It took me about 25 minutes to lose $120! Co-incidentally, in that same amount of time, Linda managed to amass $60 from her goes on the slots. Much ribbing then followed :)

We moved back to the MGM where between the two of us, we cashed in $240 in winnings from a $20 stake each. So overall, perhaps a little bit of profit :D Makes a change!