15 Sept 2022 - Thursday

Queue For The Queen

Today was all about the Queen's laying in state. The coffin in Westminster Hall is open to the public for viewing. The queue at the current time (01:30am UK time) is right back to Southwark Park, east of Tower Bridge. Wait time is about 9.5 hours to get into the viewing area. If the British do anything well, it's queuing.

We watched some of the coverage on tv and whilst we were sitting there, we noticed our first dolphin fin, out of the window.

There were two there and both swam about for a while. We'd not seen any this week so far.

Spurred on by the sighting, we've also booked a boat tour on Sunday - 'Donuts and Dolphins' is it's name. Should be interesting!

Weather wise, there's a tropical storm in the Altlantic currently, called Fiona. It's not likely to come near us, but there's an outside chance. It's still a way off though. Locally, the weather was a little cooler here, and a lot less humid. So we decided to pack up a lunch and head back down to the beach for the afternoon. It wasn't as busy as our first visit (that was at the weekend) so it's was quite peaceful there.

Oddly enough, at the end of the afternoon we spotted two more dolphins swimming about just a dozen or so years away.

Back home for a shower then off for some food - this time RJ Gators for a quick burger.

We managed to get back to the apartment in time to catch another nice sunset.

Although there was lots of dark clouds coming over the apartment when we'd finished watching the sunset, we've not had any rain, just the odd rumble of distant thunder.