Thursday 26th April

Boggy Creek

Boggy Creek is a small place just south of Kissimmee. We went down there as they do an airboat service out onto the mash lands. It certainly wasn't the Everglades, but we did get to see some wildlife, including an alligator with newly hatched young. We needed ear-protectors though as the engine and fan make a lot of noise!

The boggy creek area was a very quiet (apart from the airboats) area on the edge of what I can only describe as an enormous boggy pond - it couldn't have been more than 8 inches deep in most areas.

After the ride, we drove back into Orlando, stopping off at the Florida Mall for a hour or two.

Back to the hotel to dump off our stuff then we headed for Disney to visit the Magic Kingdom.

Wilderness Lodge

First off, however, we stopped off at the Wilderness Lodge resort. It's where we're going in December for a few days.

The place was quite busy as we looked around - hopefully it's less hectic once we return. It looks a nice place though. Impressive lobby area.

Magic Kingdom

We spend a good few hours at MK, even though we arrived at around 5pm.

The place was quite busy of course. Wait times were in the region of 30-40 minutes for most things.

Linda went on the Thunder Mountain ride. She hated it! It wasn't so much the speed or the twists, more the rises and drops that freaked her out!

Saw the castle fireworks @ 10pm followed by the late Spectral Magic parade @ 11pm.

However, returning home was delayed thanks to roadworks on I4 :(