Sunday 9th December 2012

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We are back in the hotel after a 6-odd hour walk around the inner part of the city.

This morning started off with a phone call to the front desk - can they get someone up to help us start the shower as, at least from our point of view, it appeared to be jammed. It was a handle that you needed to rotate to turn on the water, but it didn't appear to move either way and we were both too wary of putting too much pressure on the handle because it looked likely to come off in our hands! Needless to say, the guy appeared simply turned it once and immediately water started running. Just what you need to start our day off, another employee thinking all Brits are idiots!

The weather has been overcast most of the day, white cloud at first but the darker stuff started appearing as it was getting dark. It's supposed to rain tonight, but absolutely no chance of snow in the next few days, indeed it's going to be slightly milder than usual (low teens 'C).

We walked over the Boston Common, passing what appeared to be a Christmas meeting for dog owners.

We then walked on further into the central part of the city, passing some of the places we visited last time we were here in 2011. We stopped off for a drink in one of the endless Starbucks before heading further into the city. We ended up at the Faneuil Market area, where there were a couple of outstanding trees on display.

We plan to come back here when it's dark to see the tree with its lights on.

On the way back, we stopped off at Macys and at a local CVS so Linda could make-up shop.

Back in the hotel now for a rest. It's getting pretty dark out now, so we'll be heading off soon back to see some of the displays when they are turned on.


We walked back over to the market in the evening so that we could have a look at some of the decorations lit up. The main tree looked pretty spectacular - especially considering each hour it put on a computer controlled light show

There are more photos in the slideshow below.

We stopped off at the nearby Hard Rock Cafe to get some food before jumping in a cab to avoid the rain. It would have helped if the driver wasn't a newbie who didn't know the roads (not unusual from our experience). I had to guide him back to our hotel via my phone's map!

It had started to rain as we got back to the hotel.