Monday October 11th

[17:02 EDT]

The weather this week has been perfect so far. The temperatures have consistently been in the high 80's. So today, we tried to make good use of this bonus (it's normally cooler at this time of year) by spending most of the day on the beach.

I started by attempting to use a kayak that is supplied by the resort - however, I'm way too top heavy for such a craft - just the smallest wave, hitting me at the wrong angle, was enough to topple me over. Getting in wasn't easy either!

In the end it was easier to just go swimming - the water was warm and it was very quiet.

If I went out far enough, I was in the area where the pelicans were fishing - they were dive bombing the fish that were swimming around me. At one point, I heard something that sounded like someone puffing our air, I looked around to see a dolphin swimming past about 30 feet from where I was. We saw other dolphins throughout the day, just swimming along, tossing the odd fish into the air!

All this time, Linda was sitting under the big umbrella, taking in the sun and completing her latest book.

Eventually, we went for a walk along the beach before escaping the late afternoon heat for an ice cream at a local shop - it was large, but very well received!