Saturday October 19th

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An early rise this morning. We crossed the island (10 minutes) back to the North beach and took some photos of the sunrise. It was surprisingly busy there with lots of fisherman bringing in their catch and the sea birds trying to grab it from them.

I did another timelapse and took some stand alone photos. Then we returned for breakfast.

Once breakfast was over we popped out to the supermarket to grab some last minute supplies - we're into the last week of our stay and we needed some bread and other nick nacks.

The humidity has certainly increased today and the cloud cover has increased to the point where during the afternoon we got a few spots of rain. Fortunately, we were in the apartment having a read on the balcony. Well, Linda was, I was inside on the PC. Linda finished her 7th or 8th book this holiday - I've lost count!

That's how we ended the day, taking it easy watching the clouds go past on the horizon. Needless to say, there was no sunset due to the cloud cover. We could certainly see the rain showers out to sea, but fortunately none came our way.