Friday 4th October 2019

Fast Sunset

Left is the timelapse which I took over last night. It's made up of about 650 frames, squeezed down to 30 seconds. It'll be best to watch fullscreen as it's a 4K video.

I'm fairly happy with that, as a first attempts with my new camera (RX100V5M) and some new timelapse software I've been trying out.

No doubt more will appear later in the holiday.

Out in the midday sun

We were not awake as early today, maybe a hour or two later, so that meant we had just the one breakfast. I then sorted out the timelapse above.

Eventually, I completed what I needed to do and we got ready to go down to the beach for a walk. As usual, it was near noon when we set off, so it was pretty hot.

As we are in October now, the temperatures are normally in the mid 80's F but this week has seen unseasonably high temperatures. The forecast this morning said 92'F again (33'C).

Fortunately, we had along for the walk our trusty water bottle which we'd used in Venice. It kept the water cool through to the end of the walk.

Once back in the apartment, it was time for lunch before Linda returned to the balcony and her second Kindle book (or it might be number three by now)!

Meantime I did the photos and uploaded them to the album.

Back to the beach

Once 7pm rolled around, we walked back down to the beach to watch the sunset from the water's edge. It was a so-so sunset, with the low clouds obscuring the final phase.

Dinner tonight was in the Olive Garden on Cortez Road where we had pasta.