Wednesday 12th December

Ahoy there!

Decided to start the day a little differently this time. We wandered down to the dock at the edge of the hotel and hired a small launch to wander around the lakes in front on WDW.

On our way back in we caught sight of a sign advertising the Segway off-road tour. Sadly though, they are now all booked for the mornings we still have spare (it's not a 7 day thing). Next time, perhaps.

Talk to the hand

Despite my attempts to convince her otherwise, Linda insisted on doing the Rapids ride at Animal Kingdom complete with poncho. Needless to say she got some 'chicken' taunts as we queued up from people coming off the ride wet. We did the ride three times, back to back. I, being a man, didn't bother with a poncho. We rode at 11am. My shorts were still damp the next morning!