12 Sept 2022 - Monday


Today is our 30th wedding anniversary!

We started off with an early walk along the beach to catch the sunrise. We've not been lucky with the sunsets, but the sun rise has been OK when we've been out.

Then it was back to the apartment to open our cards and have breakfast.

We were a little low on some supplies, so the plan was to pop out to the shops, get what we need, then swing past a newly opened cheesecake shop. Finally, we'd then drive over to Starbucks and get outselves a frappe for lunch. Sadly, parts one and three were OK, but the cheesecake place was on a week's holiday so will be shut until the weekend.

After lunch, Linda attempted some more hours out on the balcony with her Kindle. Shortly after she came in, complaining it was now too hot out there (the sun hits the balcony after about 3pm), we then got a fierce downpour, so that sort of washed out our plans to go down to the pool.

Once sunset time came along it wasn't actually clouded over for once.

This evening, we went out for a meal at Outback Steak House, very nice it was too.