Thursday 15th

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Today is the half-way point of our holiday. Normally on my birthday we would go over to IHOP for a breakfast, but today I decided to have our normal breakfast in the apartment.

Last night's sunset was totally cloudless, so I decided to set up for another night time-lapse. This one seems to be the best yet with hardly any clouds.

Very happy with this one! That band of cloud passing in the night was a small cold-front which means that the temperature has dropped slightly again. Humidity is in the low 60% which is very comfortable. Temperature is supposed to be 83'F (29'C) today.


Hmm, I'm not sure where that 83' came from, it felt a lot hotter than that when we went out for a walk along the beach. Walking into the sun was hard going as it's was very bright off the sea, despite sunglasses. It was also very hot as there were no clouds about to offer respite.

Pelican and leaping fish!

In the centre top of this photo you can see a flying fish, which leapt out of the sea just as I was taking a photo. Indeed, it wasn't only fish and pelicans which were leaping in and out of the water, we also saw a ray leap out of the sea and a dolphin do the same twice in the middle distance. It was a glorious day and everyone seemed to be out enjoying it.

Once back in the apartment (and the air-con which we're keeping at a comfortable 70'F) we had some lunch on the balcony then I messed about for a couple of hours on the PC and with my camera, whilst Linda slowly cooked on the balcony. Eventually she could stand no more so we went down to the pool for a hour to cool down.

Once changed again, I ordered some Chinese and we sat out on the still-warm balcony until the sun had been down for a while and the moon was out.

Quite a nice birthday all in all!

Tomorrow, we've booked for a sunset cruise on a local boat.