06 Oct Saturday

[Last Updated: 2018-10-06 22:42 EDT]

Not awake at 3am this morning, closer to 6am so it's starting to normalise. Mind you, with the F1 race coming from Japan this weekend, I'll need to be up at 1am to see it live. We'll see whether I make it or cop out and watch the replay which will be on here at 7am...

After breakfast, we drove East into Bradenton (the nearest large town) which has a farmer's market on selected Saturdays.

It was a little smaller than last years from what we can recall. However, the Kettle Corn guy was still there selling his big bags of delicious kettle corn ($8 a large bag). So we picked up one of those and headed back to the car. We stopped off at Walmart on the way back. Linda managed to get hold of some insta-dry nail varnish she was looking for. Each they are £15 over in the UK and Walmart was selling them for $3.80 (about £3). So of course Linda buys 5!

I picked up a wall clock for a cheap $4. This is because I'm cheesed off that the pool area at the apartment lost its clock a year or two ago and no-one has replaced it since. So I'm going to nip down after dark and put it up against one of the fences so we call then see what time it is when we're in the pool. I've got some twine from the apartment, so I won't need to drill anything!

On the way back to the apartment we stopped off at the Starbucks drive-thru. This was a messy affair as Linda's drink insisted on overspilling until she'd managed to reduce the liquid somewhat.

After lunch we milled about the apartment for a while because it's Saturday. This means that Linda needs to see X-Factor from the UK. So with trusty VPN in place, I set up the laptop and, with it running through the TV via HDMI, she can watch her show whilst I had my headphones on listening to something else!

Towards the end of the afternoon it began to get cloudy and we could see rain showers sweeping over along the horizon.

Fortunately, nothing crossed over us. However, the excess cloud in the sky gave us a spectacular sunset..

For dinner we went to a Sports Bar on Cortez Road called Gators. They serve large cocktails. Linda picked a Voodoo Juice which was the largest glass/bowl I've ever seen served up.

It was a good seven inches diameter at the top and maybe 5 inches deep. It took a while, but Linda managed to get through it all.

Once back at the apartment, I carried out Operation Wallclock. I'll get a photo in the morning once it's possible to see it, as it's complete darkness once the pool goes off.