Thursday 23rd October

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Yesterday's trip out to the island had one casualty - our waterproof camera now isn't. Somehow water got into the internals and it's stopped working.

Our waterproof camera... isn&#39;t

I'm hoping that some severe drying out can get it back up and working - it did happen before and that took two days to dry out before it worked again. But that was in pool water, not sea water...

So, minus extra camera, we headed off to Clearwater. It's about 90 minutes from where we are, but it's the first place we went to on the gulf coast, so we like to go back to there whenever we can. It has it's attractions though.

Clear blue sky

There was a wind surfing competition going on in the sea by the pier.

Windsurfing competition

It looked like and international competition from the looks of the numbering on the side of the sails.

We'd brought some lunch and we found ourselves a place in some shade to sit out the afternoon.

As is usual, we did the Sea Screamer boat ride to get our fix of dolphins. We were not disappointed.

We then went over to the pier for an ice cream and a quick walk along the stalls - there was a small craft fair going on at the pier.

Finally we headed back home. But as it was getting close to sunset, we pulled over just after the skyway bridge to watch it go down over the water. It was only then that we noticed it was a partial eclipse.

Once the sun had set, we stopped off at the local Publix for some last groceries, then home for some dinner.

Stop for some last groceries